How to mask images into different shapes in Google Slides

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How to mask images into different shapes

You can make the images in your slide deck more interesting by adjusting the shape of your images. Change your rectangular images into circles or other shapes in just a few steps! 

Google slide with rectangle cat image and same image as a circle and with rounded corners
  1. Select an image in Google Slides
  2. Click on Mask image (the small triangular button beside the Crop tool)Mask image next to crop icon
  3. Select the shape you want to reshape your image to.
Google Slides shape tool

Additional tips:

  • You may need to crop your image before you mask the image to get the exact result you want
  • If you want to remove the mask and return the image to its original form, select the image and click the reset image button on the toolbar.
reset image button

Article by Karen Matthes, Extension Learning Technologies,


  1. I had no idea this was an option - and a really fun one at that - thank you!!


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