Video refresh

Video refresh

Parents Forever's Parenting Styles video gets an update

Even the best website, course, or video needs a little freshening up every once in a while. The Parents Forever team is reviewing its gold standard course for divorce education and making a few tweaks. They wanted to streamline a few terms used in one of their primary videos. Given the video dated back to 2014, it was a great opportunity to give it an updated look, strengthening its branding while using (mostly) University-supported tools. 

  • The visuals were primarily constructed in a PowerPoint template, originating from Extension's Communications team. 
  • The NounProject's icons were also a big help (note: this is the one non-University-sponsored resource utilized). 
  • It all came together in WeVideo (a software sponsored by ELT) with some stock photos and videos. 

Check out this before/after video showing the visual transformation:

Do you have any videos that could use a refresh?


  1. Great video illustrating the differences - thank you!!

  2. I agree Todd! It's great to see the comparison and how a refresh can make a big difference! Thanks again Alison!


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