University Internet ID 101

Cat looking at other cats on a computer

You've got a University Internet ID. Now what do you use it for, besides accessing email?

Your UofM email address is For example, if your Internet ID is goldy001, your email address would be


Your UofM email address is the account you should use when accessing Extension Registration, like many of us recently did as we registered to attend the All Extension Conference. However, do not use your UofM email address when assisting others to register for events.

Your UofM Internet ID is associated with important data such as your name, work appointment, direct deposit and other contact information. Use it to log into VPN, integrated Google Workspace and other UofM technical services. You will maintain this UofM Internet ID throughout your University of Minnesota career. Read more tips about your UMN account from the central UMN IT team.

Password help

How often do I reset my password?

Remember the old days when it felt like we were forced to change our passwords every few months? While there are no limitations on how often your password can be changed, the good news is that with policy changes and security updates, our new passwords are strong enough to last.

For staff accounts passwords remain working if your account is logged into at least once every 6 months. Accounts that are not logged into are deactivated. When an account is deactivated, the account owner must call Technology Help for assistance. To reactivate your account, contact Tech Help at 612-301-4357.

Want some helpful tips for setting a password?

University accounts required a password or passphrase of 8 to 15 characters that contain at least two of the following characteristics: uppercase alphabetic characters, lowercase alphabetic characters, numbers, and special characters (includes spaces).

Use a phrase, motto, title that is easy to remember and add the special characters, but avoid personal information. Read more about choosing and securing passwords and see how safe your password is with a handy chart.
