In-video quizzing

In video quizzing

Kaltura’s Interactive Video Quiz module, available in MediaSpace, allows you to create quizzes based upon media uploaded to Kaltura. It's a little like "old school" VH1 pop-up videos, but learners can respond and you and they can each learn from the data! It's a great tool to support engagement.


  • Use your videos, or public YouTube videos
  • Customize welcome message
  • Question types include multiple choice, true/false, open response, and text inviting reflection (without submission)
  • Choose whether to allow viewers to download the list of questions before starting the quiz
  • Choose whether to allow multiple attempts and whether to show scores and/or answers after each attempt
  • Choose whether to allow or prevent answer changes before submitting the quiz, skipping questions, and skipping ahead in the video
  • Send video quiz scores to your Canvas gradebook

Try it now

Using a video from our archives, I created a quick quiz so you can see all four question types in action.

Build your own

Help guide documentation is available. Reach out to ELT to share what you're working on or let us know you're running into any trouble.

How might you find this useful in your programs? Let us know in the comments below!
