Where to share your videos

Here's what you need to know

Sometimes choice is good. Sometimes it's just paralyzing. Here's what you need to know about each platform's intended use, accessibility, and sustainability to get your media files in the best possible place.

The bottom line

Videos intended for a wide audience should typically go on YouTube.
For viewing on tightly controlled internet networks (like K-12s, some county offices, etc.) or when videos are intended only for viewing by online course participants, Kaltura is your best option.

The details

YouTube Kaltura MediaSpace*
Use YouTube is available to all students, faculty, staff and departments through the Google Apps suite of tools. Upload a video and share it with your class or create a shared account to promote your program. YouTube is free and and easy to use. MediaSpace (which uses Kaltura) is a media management system that faculty, staff, and students can use to record, upload, and/or distribute video, audio, and images for teaching and learning.
Privacy Privacy options for managed video access include "private", "public", and "unlisted".

Videos set to public are discoverable by the general public through search (both in YouTube and general browser-based searches).

Live stream broadcasting is available with YouTube Live.
Videos published in Canvas courses are only viewable by other people enrolled in those courses.

Through the MediaSpace portal, you can publish videos as "private" (media page will be visible to the content owner only) or "unlisted" (media page will be visible to anyone with a link to the page).

Videos are NOT discoverable by the general public through search.
Accessibility Editable captions are provided, AND you have the ability to use non-English subtitles and closed captions. Editable captions are provided.
Sustainability Shared program accounts are available through Brand Accounts. This allows for multiple account managers. While content is owned by an individual, ownership is transferable. Content is also University-retrievable if not transferred before an employee's account is deactivated.

However, if you are going to share a Kaltura video to the public, it is recommended that the owner be a departmental account.
User guides YouTube help center UMN-specific information

*Media Mill and Media Magnet are currently transitioning to to Kaltura MediaSpace

Starting in early January 2019, your original uploaded media in Media Mill will be automatically copied to Kaltura MediaSpace and available for use from that system. Original video and audio files will be deleted from Media Mill after that occurs. Existing links and video derivatives in Media Mill and Media Magnet will remain available for playback through December 2020.


  1. I manage Extension's central YouTube channel and subscribe to most program accounts. This way, I get a notification when you have a new video and I can add it to Extension's playlists (curated lists of videos that may live on any YouTube channel). But I may not know about new Extension program channels, so feel free to let me know when you have one - ced@umn.edu.

    Also, if you don't have your own program YouTube account and don't want or need one, you can let me take a look and see if it looks like something I'd want to upload directly to our central channel.


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