Take the Technology Pledge!

I Pledge (Technology Pledge) from Extension Quick Bytes on Vimeo.

Take the pledge! 

 Technology Pledge in PDF - print and hang on your wall!

 It's time to get serious about using technology. 

 It's not about technology and whether we like it or not (or whether we're good at it or not), it's about staying up-to-date and literate in the tools of today's educators.

 Through 'Quick Bytes,' we will together explore the digital learning tools that may be useful to you. We'll do it as a group, helping each other along. But the motivation to participate, engage, and try out new ideas is yours.

 We need to own personally the task of becoming proficient with today's digital tools.* 

 We need to stop making excuses about having the time, not enough training, assuming our audience doesn't care, etc. and get serious about trying new technologies in Extension. We need to do this to stay current as individuals and relevant as an organization.

 *this phrase borrowed from: http://bigthink.com/ideas/39447 

 We can do this! Let's do it together!
